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Digital work environment and the resulting requirements
for "digital" trade unions and employee organisations


Invitation to the European Seminar

26 to 28 September 2018 at the Hotel Park Plaza Belvedere, Medulin, Croatia


Conference languages

Macedonian / German / English (plus French or Portuguese according to demand)





Wednesday, September 26, 2018

11.00 h registration and welcome coffee


12.00 h Lunchtime snack


13.00 h Welcome by moderators and organizers


13.15 h Greetings from EZA

Herbert Metzger, vice president EZA


13.20 h Report by EZA - Project Coordination

"new industrial relations: Digitisation and trade union strategies "

Jelena Soms - LDF (Lithuanian Labor Federation) Lithuania


13.45 h Keynote speech

"The 12 theses on digitisation and their effects on work in trade unions and workers' organisations".

Andreas Gjecaj, General Secretary of the Christian Trade Union Group - FCG - in the ÖGB


15.30 h Coffee break


16.00 h Follow-up discussion


18.00 h Dinner



Thursday, September 27, 2018

08.00 h Breakfast


09.00 h Specialist presentation

"The digital world - possible approaches to modern trade unionism"

Dr. Erik Meyer - Lecturer and political scientist


10.30 h Coffee break


11.00 h Social dialogue 4.0 - Panel discussion

with Dr. Erik Meyer, Andreas Gjecaj and Jelena Soms


12.30 h Lunch


14.00 h Social Dialogue 4.0 - Panel Discussion II

with country report (15 min each)


Slobodan Antovski, President of the Association of Independent Trade Unions in Macedonia (UNASM)

Rainer Rißmayer, Department Manager (NBH)

Rebecca Peters, Trade Union Secretary (CSC East Belgium)


15.00 h Workshops


17.00 h Creative development of strategies and recommendations for action for works councils, trade unions, interest groups and politicians (coffee break in the workshop)

17.30 h departure to Pula


18.00 h Guided tour of Pula and dinner in restaurant

afterwards time at free disposal



Friday, September 28, 2018

08.00 h Breakfast


09.00 h Presentation of the results of the working group

plenum discussion


10.00 h Coffee break


10.30 h Digitisation - a new pitfall for disadvantage of women workers?
Panel discussion with impulses from


Helga Jungheim, Trade Union Secretary - ver.di (Aachen/Düren/Erft district) Germany

Vaiva Poskaite, Tomasevic Chairwoman of the Women's Committee - LDF (Lithuanian Labor Federation)

Divna Zmejkovska, Vice President UNASM Macedonia

11.30 h Summary, closing remarks and evaluation

12.00 h Lunch


12.30 h Departure