Dr. Marie-France Hirigoyen 2011Dr. Marie-France Hirigoyen, a psychiatrist, psychoanalyst and psychotherapist specialising in mobbing, a form of bullying. Her interest in stress led her in the mid-1980s into victimology, a branch of criminology. She later turned her attention to workplace stress generated by mobbing behaviour.

Her publications include Le harcèlement moral, la violence perverse au quotidien (1998), which sold 450,000 copies in her native France and was translated and sold in 24 other countries.

She has made several television appearances in France, and in 2006 she was invited onto the Spanish Television programme Carta blanca by guest presenter Lucía Etxebarría. (Source: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Marie-France_Hirigoyen)



Hauptreferat A

"Mobbing – Wenn der Job zur Hölle wird. Seelische Gewalt am Arbeitsplatz"


Hauptreferat B

"Wege, wie seelischer Gewaltanwendung im Arbeitsleben vorgebeugt werden kann“


Marie-France Hirigoyen - Homepage. Abgerufen am 10.11.2011



Dr. Josef Schwickerath 2011Dr. Josef Schwickerath a senior psychologist at the clinic AHG Berus (European Centre of Psychosomatic and Behavioral Medicine)

Short Biography:
Study of psychology and pedagogy in Saarbrücken. Training in behavior therapy and psychotherapy. 1979 Working as a Psychologist at the Youth Office of the City of Saarbrücken. From 1979 to 1984 working as a Psychologist in the education, marriage and family counseling center of the diocese of Trier, Saarbrucken. Since 1986, Chief Psychologist of the AHS clinic Berus - European Centre of Psychosomatic and Behavioural Medicine. Since March 2000, Chairman of the IVV (Institute for continuing education in clinical behavioral therapy and behavioral medicine at the clinic AHG Berus eV) supervisor and lecturer. (source: http://www.ahg.de/AHG/Standorte/Berus/Klinik/Personen/Dr_Schwickerath/index.html)






„Mobbing und Therapie - der Mensch als Opfer“


AHG Klinik Berus - Europäisches Zentrum für Psychosomatik und Verhaltensmedizin. Überherrn/Berus. Homepage. Informationen zu Dr. Josef Schwickerath. Abgerufen am 10.11.2011



Jean-Michel Miller 2011Jean-Michel Miller a research manager at Eurofounds, Dublin, currently working on projects related to working conditions and social dialogue, migrants and working conditions, representativeness studies of the social partners, information /consultation of employees, and on the annual review on working conditions in the EU. Before joining Eurofound, Jean-Michel worked for the European Trade Union Confederation in Brussels, and for the Parliament in his native Luxembourg. He has studied Business, Economic and Social Affairs in Paris.







„volks- und betriebswirtschaftliche Auswirkungen durch Mobbing - die Kosten als unkalkulierbares Risiko für Unternehmen“ (source: http://www.eurofound.europa.eu/about/staff/industrialteam.htm)


Eurofond - Homepage. Dublin. Abgerufen am 10.11.2011




Stephan Lepoutre 2011Stephan Lepoutre works at CSC East Belgium as a trade union secretary, so he speaks in the name of this association.
"CSC" stands for "Confederation des Syndicats Chretiens", the CSC is therefore of the General Association of Christian Trade Unions, and the largest union in Belgium.

The CSC-eastern Belgium Verviers is a Walloon district of the eight associations of christian union. She is responsible for the Verviers region and for the entire territory of the german-speaking community.
It is one of the few bilingual associations of CSC. The administrative services are located in the main building in Verviers, where a majority of the approximately 50 employees are employed. The CSC serves about 40,000 members of Verviers in the Francophone and German-speaking communities in the district of Verviers. (source: http://csc-ostbelgien.csc-en-ligne.be/csc_vvs_ostbelgien/bezirksverband.asp)



"Die psychosozialen Risiken am Arbeitsplatz"


CSC Ostbelgien - CSC Verviers, Belgien. Homepage. Abgerufen am 10.11.2011



Fotos: Axel Gauster © 2011 Nell-Breuning-Haus / Axel Gauster


Links checked 3.3.2014